CNY visits

Our CNY visits pretty much are the same every year. Day 1, brunch at my in-laws, followed by gathering at my dear granny’s place. Day 2 will be at my aunt’s place with just about everyone from day 1. We have been doing this since I remember anything about the CNY. It’s great how everyone is gathered under one roof, but the noise level will get pretty rowdy. In between we’ll squeeze in some time to visit my father’s siblings. However with the passing of 2 uncles last year, CNY is not quite the same.

If I could, I rather do all the visits at one shot, but since Alex is on a sleep schedule, things can’t happen with a snap of finger. Already he’s napping past his usual timings and I forsee some adjustments after the festive season is over.

Mr Dumpling Cheeks catching a few winks

Alex has been having a good time. He plays hide and seek! One moment he’s here and the other moment, he’s gone! He is busy exploring the places but thankfully he knows better than to do dangerous stunts. He also discovered the joy of CNY food… He threw oranges alloverdeplace, coz he still thinks those are edible balls. I don’t allow him to have high sugar food still… He tasted pistachios, lian zi (莲子) and his favourite… *drum rolls* bah-kwas! High fat, sugary and fatty. Oh noes! 😉

Alex helping himself to the bah-kwas. He had multiple helpings.

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